Top Penetration Testing Company- The History Of VAPT

A Top Penetration Testing company offers you robust VAPT Services to help you understand the flaws in your computer systems, business network, and apps. 

A standard Vulnerability Assessment & Penetration Testing Services might contain a vulnerability assessment through conventional system and software testing or network security scanning alone. 

Penetration testing companies focus on assembly line assessments. 

Once vulnerabilities are exploited successfully on a particular system, testers can use the compromised system to launch subsequent exploits at other internal resources.
Attacks against the financial sector increased 238% across the world from February 2020 to the end of April. Around 80% of financial institutions reported a rise in cyberattacks, as per VMware.
However, very few cyberattacks are successful, as the financial sector is one of the early adopters of penetration testing and cybersecurity.
Penetration testing companies such as Suma Soft offer services to penetrate the security of your software, network, and financial systems to offer a detailed analysis of vulnerabilities and build a plan of action for security from potential breaches.

Here are the reasons why businesses must consult a Penetration Testing Company

1. Prevent threats

Preparing for unknown attacks is hard! However, a well-functioning Penetration Testing team can help you with effective threat detection. An efficient team can permit data security functions to respond faster and operate more collaboratively to prevent data hacking.

2. Protect from hacking

Penetration testing companies offer services that are “must-have.” Such companies help identify security risks where experts thoroughly test for vulnerabilities and then improve security by providing the right guidance.

3. Round-the-clock support

Based on the organization’s patience for downtime, a reliable Penetration Testing company stays operational round-the-clock as they maintain a team of staff who can help ensure that security incidents are effectively addressed irrespective of the time and the day.

How can SumaSoft help you provide a robust VAPT Service?

Suma Soft is one of the most reliable Penetration Testing Companies in the market, holding over 20 years of experience.

We help businesses identify potential threats to their web applications, websites, and software, thereby conducting penetration testing to monitor and safeguard the computer system from malicious activities or attacks of hackers. 

Suma Soft has a certified and talented workforce to deliver robust VAPT testing solutions to companies of all sizes.

  • 500+ Penetration Testing Projects
  • Cost-Effective & 24×7 Service
  • Experienced & trained Team
  • Flexible Pricing Methodology