How Building a Native App Can Increase Customer Engagement by 3X

In today’s digital age, keeping customers engaged with your brand is more important than ever. Did you know that smartphone users spend over 4 hours a day glued to their devices, and 90% of that time is spent on apps? That’s a massive opportunity to connect with your audience and build lasting relationships. But with so many apps, how do you make yours stand out? The answer: investing in native app development.

While websites are essential for any business, they can need help competing for user attention in today’s mobile-first world. Think about it: How often do we wait patiently for websites to load on our phones, compared to the instant gratification of opening a familiar app? Websites can feel clunky and limited on a mobile device, making it harder to engage users and keep them returning for more.

Here's why websites don't quite cut it in the mobile app game

Limited Features

Websites are restricted by browser capabilities. Native app development allows you to bypass web browser limitations and unlock the true potential of your smartphone’s hardware and software. This translates to a richer and more interactive user experience. Imagine using your phone’s camera directly within a native app to scan a product barcode or experience features like augmented reality that wouldn’t be possible on a mobile website.

Slow Loading Times

Waiting for a website to load on a spotty mobile connection can be frustrating. Native apps are stored directly on your device and launch instantly; no internet connection is required. This creates a seamless and frustration-free customer engagement experience.

No Push Notifications

Websites can’t send alerts and updates directly to your phone. Native app development can leverage push notifications to inform users about special offers, news, or reminders. Who wouldn’t want to be the first to know about a flash sale or exclusive discount delivered straight to their phone?

By investing in Native App development, you’re creating a direct line of communication with your customers through a mobile app specifically designed for their devices. This deeper engagement can lead to a significant advantage: studies have shown that businesses with well-designed native apps can see a 3X increase in customer engagement.

The Engagement Advantage of Native Apps

Native apps, built specifically for a particular phone’s operating system (like iOS or Android), offer a whole new level of engagement. Imagine having your brand’s little storefront on a customer’s home screen, just a tap away. Here’s how native apps can transform your customer interactions:

Always-On Accessibility

Unlike websites that require users to search, a native app sits on the home screen, a constant reminder of your brand. This easy access encourages frequent interaction and keeps your business top-of-mind.

Push Notifications

In Native App development, push notifications allow you to keep your users in the loop. These messages land directly on their phones, informing them about special offers, exciting new products, or upcoming events. This powerful tool is a game changer for increasing engagement and sales. Studies show that users who receive push notifications tend to make 30% more in-app purchases!

Enhanced User Experience

Native app development allows apps to take full advantage of a smartphone or tablet’s features, like cameras, GPS, and gyroscopes. This enables a more engaging and interactive experience for users. Imagine using a clothing store app with augmented reality to try on clothes virtually or using GPS to find the nearest store location. These features are only possible with native app development.

Offline Functionality

Native apps offer the advantage of working offline for certain functionalities, unlike websites that require an internet connection. With native app development, users can still browse products or access loyalty points even when they don’t have an internet connection. This might be a significant advantage for users who are frequently on the go or in areas with spotty internet service.


Native apps can collect user data to personalize the experience, fostering higher customer engagement. Imagine seeing recommended products based on past purchases or receiving birthday discounts. These little touches go a long way in building a connection with your customers.

Native app development can revolutionize how you connect with your customers by offering always-on accessibility, the power of push notifications, a superior user experience, and the ability to function offline to boost engagement and take your mobile presence to the next level. In that case, a native app might be the game-changer you’ve been looking for.

The Business Benefits of a Native App

While a native app offers a range of benefits, customer engagement remains a central advantage. Here’s how a well-designed app can translate to real business growth:

Boost Sales & Conversions

A smooth and intuitive app can act as a shopping shortcut, guiding customers to their desired products and simplifying checkout. This translates to increased conversions and a healthier profit margin.

Building Brand Loyalty

When your apps provide rich and interactive experiences, they foster deeper customer connections. This translates to stronger brand loyalty and repeat business—a win-win for everyone!

Unlocking Valuable Customer Insights:

Native apps offer a treasure trove of user behavior and preference data. Analyze this data to uncover what indeed resonates with your customers. This customer insight will empower you to fine-tune your marketing strategies for optimal impact.
In today’s mobile-driven world, native app development can be a game-changer for your business. Craft an engaging and convenient experience for your customers to connect with your brand. This can significantly boost engagement, drive sales, and foster lasting loyalty.

Real-World Examples: How Leading Businesses are Winning with Apps

Let’s take a look at some real-world examples of how businesses across different industries are leveraging apps to win over customers:
The Banking Industry:

Many banks offer mobile apps that allow customers to check balances, transfer funds, and deposit checks—all from their smartphones. This convenience factor keeps customers engaged and coming back for more.

The Retail Industry:
Retail apps often provide features like store locators, product information, and personalized coupons. These help customers find what they need and encourage them to make impulse purchases while browsing the app.
The Fitness Industry:

Fitness apps can offer workout routines, track progress, and connect users with a virtual fitness community. This level of interactivity keeps users motivated and coming back for more.

These are just a few examples, but they showcase how Native App Development can transform customer engagement across various industries.

Building Your Winning App: Key Considerations for Success

Here are some key things to consider when developing your own:
Know Your Audience:
What problem are you solving for your customers? What features would make their lives easier or more enjoyable? Identifying a clear value proposition is crucial for app success.
Prioritize User Experience:
For a smooth user experience, prioritize an intuitive and user-friendly interface. Think clean design, clear menus, and a layout optimized for mobile usage. A frustrating app experience will drive users away faster than you can say, “uninstall.”
Align Features with Your Goals:
Don’t overload your app with unnecessary features. Focus on functionalities that directly support your business goals and address your customer needs.
By following these tips and understanding the power of customer engagement, you can create a successful Native App that becomes an invaluable tool for your business growth. Remember, a well-designed Native App can be the key to unlocking a loyal and engaged customer base in today’s mobile-first world.
How Suma Soft Can Help You Build a Winning Engagement App
At Suma Soft, our development team has a proven track record of creating successful native apps for businesses of all sizes. Here’s what sets us apart:
Experienced Team:
Our developers have extensive experience crafting user-friendly and engaging native apps that deliver results.
Focus on User Experience (UX):
In Native App development, we prioritize intuitive design and straightforward navigation to create a seamless and better user experience that keeps your customers returning for more.
B2B Expertise:
We recognize the distinct set of obstacles and potential rewards faced by B2B businesses. We’ll work closely with you to develop a native app that aligns with your goals and target audience.
In today’s mobile-first world, a well-designed native app can be a game-changer for businesses. A winning native app can deliver a significant return on investment by fostering deeper customer engagement, boosting sales, and strengthening brand loyalty. Don’t miss out on this exciting opportunity – explore the possibilities of native app development and take your business to the next level!